We offer the only updated, online DNA course to prepare analysts and technicians for casework. This high‐quality course includes the theoretical knowledge base for Forensic Biological Screening and DNA analyst training, originally developed by our founding component, the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) for the National Institute of Justice in 2005, and updated in 2016. Students will have access to the most current, consistent knowledge base to get them up to speed quickly.
Don’t need all the modules? Choose only what you need to prepare laboratory staff.
Biological Screening $450
DNA Analysis $450

We have a wealth of experience in DNA training, including delivering online and instructor-led training for many agencies, including the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Nebraska State Patrol, Washington State Patrol, Kentucky State Police, and internationally via the U.S. Department of State, and others. For more detailed information, please download our program data sheet.
Group rates available. To request a quote for DNA training and workshops, please contact us at workwithgfjc@fiu.edu.
Please note: a Certificate of Completion for any of our DNA Analyst online courses will be issued to only those students who participate within the oversight of a Laboratory Supervisor or Technical Leader. Independent, self-directed coursework cannot be graded.

Our mock forensic sample packs support your training and provide practice in all required aspects of traditional DNA analysis processes.